The Villages

St. Andrews, Scotland…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 27•13


CCF03272013_00006…is not here in The Villages, but some very hard working dedicated volunteers are offering a lucky winner a prize of a lifetime; a round-trip, six-night stay at St. Andrews, Scotland, which also includes five rounds of golf. It may behoove us all to be kind to everyone we know, as the winner can bring along three others, so you don’t necessarily have to win, you just have to have someone who likes you enough to invite you along.  The Rotary Club of The Villages has organized a golf ball drop, which will be a sudden downpour of golf balls (6000 to be exact) onto The Villages Polo Club field from a helicopter, hot air balloon or crane.  The ball OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA closest to the flag posted on the field will win.  This event will take place on May 26th, at 4PM, and should be fun to experience even if you don’t win.  The second-place prize is also a round-trip ticket for four, this time to Pasadena, Calif to  attend the 2014 Rose Bowl Parade and football game.  Third place is a Home Spa, and fourth is dinner for eight at Bonefish Grill.  I love the idea that you have four chances of winning something yourself, and three more chances of being someone’s best friend.  This could be a nice Mother’s Day or Father’s Day gift, of course mother would have to wait a few weeks to see if she got a gift, and we would have to keep it under wraps if we won for a deserving father. The money raised goes to several local charities such as Shelter Box, Project  SOS, food pantries, Special Kids Foundation, Lady Lake Little League, Operation Shoebox and The Villages Regional Hospital.The price per golf ball is $20, or three balls for $50, and again there will only be 6000 balls sold.  Tickets can be bought Monday Nights at Spanish Springs Town Square, Tuesday nights at Lake Sumter Landing Market Square, and online at Thanks Rotarians for all your hard work and I know I’ll be over to take a chance.  I haven’t mastered the game of golf, however have mastered the art of shopping and after visiting St. Andrews several years ago I have to say I loved the village almost as much as the guys loved the course.  If you are not into either sport, St. Andrews is located on the North Sea, so you can spend your time strolling the beach.  Good luck to the winner, but also remember to be nice.



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