The Villages

Archive for August, 2020

I will be…

…away for a few days. I have the wonderful opportunity to spend a week with my son Joe and daughter-in-law Laura. Prior to the covid they were planning to visit at some point this summer. Because they both work at home in Charlotte, NC it was decided it would be safe for them to visit […]

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Once upon…

…a time I practiced being in the choir. It’s amazing that during this time of isolation memories surface more easily, perhaps we are left with our own thoughts for many hours on end and have nothing but memories to entertain ourselves with. I never realized how much I wanted to grow up and be like […]

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Oh, Baby…

…alligators. As I have mentioned in the past I live on a preserve and in the last few months have had plenty of time to observe the day to day goings on of the inhabitants. This week we were presented with another batch of whistling ducklings, tiny fuzzy balls of fluff, all 14 of them. […]

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…I’m getting some exercise. I’ve been getting no exercise at all since the pandemic appeared in March. I was munching my way through the first few months and realized if I kept that up that I would be 30, 40 or 50 pounds heavier by the time this is over. I decided I had to […]

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Some memories…

…come back to haunt you. Several weeks ago, out of sheer boredom I decided to take a ride. I headed south, winding down through the new area that the Villages is developing. I continued out of the Villages and moseyed south along the back roads of Florida. I finally intersected with Rt.# 30l and decided […]

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