The Villages

Archive for September, 2012

A Straight Shooter…

In the past if someone were to refer to someone as a straight shooter, they would be referring to a person that was extremely truthful, a person that would tell you exactly how things were or should be.  A straight shooters’ words could sometime be hurtful but  I don’t believe that that was their intent, rather their intent was […]

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adj.: pleasing to the eye,  collog.: extra good,  syn.: attractive, lovely.  I don’t think I have ever used the word as much as I have since I moved to The Villages.   Occasionally I would remark that something was beautiful, but it seems that I am always thinking that lately.  Who wouldn’t think it going over the bridge to Lake […]

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Almost everyone has one, and those who don’t wish they did.   If you are working, it is hard to have one, but some do anyway. Some don’t know any better and just do it. Others fight to the bitter end, and either don’t do it or eventually after many shed tears succumb to it. Then […]

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I never could…

have imagined that within seven minutes of my home I would have sixteen movie theatres that I could go to. I never could have imagined that I would be within seven minutes of a movie theatre that was playing movies the day they were released. If the ads say Sept. 23rd, Sept. 23rd I can […]

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I always wanted…

to. I vowed I would write my blog at least four to five days a week, and I find myself falling far behind. It is not because there is nothing to blog about, quite the contrary, but I get caught up in things and the day just flies by. I will say I am a morning […]

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Click, click click,….

click click, click. No this is not morse code, I am texting, and that is the word text. I feel as awkward doing this as I did the first time I tried to inhale a cigarette. How do people do this, why don’t they just pick up the phone and call, isn’t that easier.  I’m  […]

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Guess who came…

FOR dinner. We have lived on the James A Chicielo Wildlife Preserve for six years and it has brought us great pleasure watching the wildlife that has at one time or another lived in it or visited it. We have watched a coyote dig for frogs, we have been loudly serenaded by frogs after a […]

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I found it…

I found the secret to The Villages and what makes it so great.  I recently was reading a book about retirement, and what makes for a happy retirement, etc. etc. etc.  All of a sudden the phrase No Automatic Relationship Generator jumped out at me and it made me really think.  For some people retirement […]

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Can’t help but smile…

when I come up behind a golf cart with the driver’s arm around his black Lab, both looking from side to side, enjoying the ride, the weather and the day. If I was Norman Rockwell I would probably run back to my studio and paint another cover for Life Magazine, but seeing as I am […]

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for the abrupt departure from my last blog, but sometimes when I get on the computer time flies really fast,  I lose track of time and then I have to do what I did, leave in mid thought. I’ll try not to do that again. On that same subject of activities, yesterday I had invited […]

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