The Villages

Archive for the 'Info-websites&phone#s' Category

Yes, we have …

   our own Radio Station at WVLG 640AM, and you can also listen to it on Cable Channel 99.  There are two locations of the station, one in Towne Square Spanish Springs,  and the one pictured above in Market Square Sumter Landing.  It is very pleasant to listen to as it plays music we all appreciate.  We […]

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Sean loves to get a reaction out of people.  He loves to see people laugh, to be happy, and he will go to any length to get a smile out of you.  He does it so much that you would think none of us would believe anything he says, but we fall for it, all the time.  He even […]

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I’ve Been Hearing…

how great the shows have been this Christmas and Holiday season and thought it would be a nice idea to list the many entertainment opportunities we have available the next week or so.   If you are like I am, I know there is a lot going on but not sure where to get the information.  I […]

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Why the Fire Engines…

Yesterday  while I was out I saw a Fire Engine racing to a call and happened to mention to my passenger that I had always wondered why, when there seemed to be a medical emergency did a Fire Engine always show up first.  In my past life, Fire Engines only came to fires and a fireman only fought fires.  […]

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A Great Christmas Present…

How many times has someone asked you what do you want for Christmas? At this stage of the game many of us don’t need anything, or those asking have other monetary obligations, like children, to worry about for Christmas. We wind up saying, oh don’t worry about me and yet Christmas morning comes and there […]

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Learn, Understand, Involve…

and Participate in your local government to guarantee the sustainability of The Villages. That is a sentence taken from the first page of the CDD overview in my Resident Academy binder that I received prior to my attending the Academy several weeks ago.  Many people have expressed concern about the future of The Villages.  It […]

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I always wanted…

to. I vowed I would write my blog at least four to five days a week, and I find myself falling far behind. It is not because there is nothing to blog about, quite the contrary, but I get caught up in things and the day just flies by. I will say I am a morning […]

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What’s happening in The Villages…

What I am writing about  is a reminder, I am not repeating myself as you might think.   I think my acute awareness of not wanting to repeat myself comes from the fact that my Grandmother, when she was in her 80’s, was so afraid of telling the same story twice that she would start almost every […]

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Something for everyone, even the dogs…

As a person who grew up with dogs and does not have one for the first time in my life,  I especially  love to observe the dogs in The Villages.  I have come to the conclusion that they are the luckiest dogs in the world…they are walked, trotted and run,  up and down the recreation […]

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Guess No More…

Remember how hard it was when your young baby would cry and cry and you had to figure out what was wrong? Is he hungry, is he wet, does he have an ear ache, or how about when your dog or cat no longer eats, is he full, does he like the food, did he […]

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