The Villages

Archive for March, 2024

Happy Easter…

…to all my Family and Friends. Easter has always heralded the beginning of Spring to me even when it is cool, and the saying Spring is in the air seems so welcoming.  Although gone are the days of preparing Easter baskets at mid-night and finding new places to hide the eggs, those good old days are tucked […]

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…was a very special person in my life. She was a mentor, an idol, and someone I wanted to be like when I “grew old”.. I got to know her when she was in her 90’s. Her daughter was a good friend of mine and for quite a few years she had been trying to […]

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Happy St. Patricks…

…Day to all. The above leprechaun was witness to a very unusual event one spring evening. I happened to have had Carolyn over for dinner and as usual had a couple of drinks. As I walked her to her car, (let me backtrack, just that day I was in the garage and saw an array […]

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…to get this published and if I do it took so many steps i don’t know how I did it.

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OK, OK,…

… i’ll do it!!! For several years now I have had many people encouraging me to get back to writing and I kept saying that I should, and I will. I’m not sure why I stopped, well actually I do, a few health problems and the loss of Sean. I felt I had no more […]

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