The Villages

Happy St. Patricks…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 16•24

…Day to all. The above leprechaun was witness to a very unusual event one spring evening. I happened to have had Carolyn over for dinner and as usual had a couple of drinks. As I walked her to her car, (let me backtrack, just that day I was in the garage and saw an array of spray paint. Every color you could ever imagine or ever need, and had thought to myself, where can I use all this paint?) back to as I was walking down the sidewalk, out of the side of my eye I see the leprechaun. He really needed some sprucing up and I all of a sudden remembered all the spray paint. Carolyn leaves and I go into the garage, get some red paint and come out and spray paint his hat. Feeling so proud of myself I go back and get some green paint and doll up his jacket. Now I’m really into this new painting project and I go back and get white paint for his beard. This is when the leprechaun witnessed the very unusual event. As I approach with my white spray paint, after having a few drinks, and wearing very cumbersome slippers I trod across the stones to continue my restoration project. Before the white paint hit the beard, the fumes, the drinks, the slippers and the stones all played a part in this unusual event. Fortunately I did not fall straight back as I would have hit my head on the sidewalk, but rather I twirled around and fell backwards into the very small pond,

where stunned I lay wedged in, my legs and feet up on the rocks. When I was young I never was good at sit-ups but at my age I have a stomach but no stomach muscles. In order to get out I had to do a sit-up, which was impossible. I tried and I tried, and even waved frantically at cars that rode by, but had no luck with either attempt. As it now was getting dark I was resigned to the fact that I might spend the night in the pond and was feeling very fortunate that the next morning a man was coming over to clean it and get the pump going again, so he could help me get out. I did continue to try to get out and at one point , with the luck of the Irish, I rolled over and pulled myself onto the stones where I laid for a while to regain all the strength I had lost getting out. Eventually I crawled down the sidewalk to a chair where I hoisted myself up on to and burst out laughing. The next morning the man came to work on the pond, he comes to the door and in his hand was the white spray paint, hands it to me and says, “strangest thing, this was in the bottom of the pond, now how the heck did it get there?” I didn’t fess up, but thought to myself, you think that’s strange, you just might have found something else in that pond that was bigger than a can of paint. Again, Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

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