The Villages

Archive for July, 2020


…binj/noun: a short period of uncontrolled indulgence to an activity, especially eating and drinking. That definition was taken from the 2009 Second Edition of the Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus and I think a third edition should come out updating the definition. I would say to change the word short to long and add watching […]

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Oh, no… we go again. The day I figure out all the technology I am surrounded by, will probably be the day I die. I thought I had developed the first skill needed when dealing with the computer and that was patience. I have been very proud of myself and as with my patience skill have […]

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…pounds. I don’t know about everyone else, but this pandemic has not been kind to my waistline. I read where there are now 15 Pandemic pounds you can expect to gain, and I long ago read that when you moved to the Villages you can expect to also gain 15 pounds…that is 30 pounds. And […]

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My favorite…

all time poem. In the 1970’s my Mother gave me a book of poetry which I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I came upon the Calf-Path poem which I found to be very thought provoking. I can remember reading it to my sons who were quite young and probably rolled their eyes and sat in silent obedience […]

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What a story…

There is an elderly man in a Nursing Home in New York suffering from dementia. He no longer knows who is family is even though they come daily to see him and hope that there will be a glimmer of recognition but there has not been any for a long time. They bring food, his […]

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Happy Fourth of July…

..Fourth of July was always a fun holiday with parades and picnics and with the day always ending with fireworks. Whether you brought along a blanket to sit on, or a chair or in some cases the hood or roof our your car it always seemed exciting. One thing I always wanted to do but […]

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