The Villages

Archive for February, 2012

A Florida Snow Day…

The closest thing in Florida to a snow day is clouds, fog and rain. I’ve lived here for quite a few years now, and very very rarely do we have a full day of rain. The last few days we have gotten up to a low lying fog, the clouds have consistently been there and […]

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Talk about a group of volunteers and the extraordinary things they do. The Villages Honor Flight is a newly formed chapter of the national Honor Flight Network,which is dedicated to transporting Veterans to Washington DC to visit their respective Memorials. The inaugural flight for the Villages Honor Flight is scheduled this May. They will be […]

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Remarkable Birthdays…

What makes a Birthday remarkable? Could it be the age of a person or the amount of guests at a Birthday party, perhaps their status in life or the location of the birthday celebration.  Well, this week I was part of two such birthdays. There were no parties, one had cake the other will be having a luncheon […]

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Go Daddy….

No I’m not writing about my Father, and I’m not going to any NASCAR races. If you do however, you will see the Go Daddy endorsement on the car of one of the drivers, and no,the driver is not a Daddy being told to Go, because the driver is a she, she is Danica Patrick. […]

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What IS your purpose???

I was recently asked why do you write your blog, what is the purpose?  To be honest, right now it is in its’ infancy and I’m not sure in what direction it will go.  I love the Villages, I love to write, I enjoy writing about the past, but the present is really fun with […]

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Thirst for knowledge…

My thirst for knowledge went way overboard this week, and not so sure I should share this,  but I will.  I love the Lifelong Learning College and have attended quite a few classes there, from art to writing, from Kabbalah to self-improvement.  Some I have taken because I want to get better at certain things, some because I want […]

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How do I know where I live???

One of the first things I remember being taught was my name. The first name came easy, as I had heard it for many years, but there came an age when it became important for me to know my last name. Along with my last name I had to remember my address, or where I […]

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Gone fishing…

Did you ever give much thought to the phrase Gone Fishing. I have and I am puzzeld. If you’ve gone shopping you come back with your purchases. If you’ve gone golfing you come back happy or mad, depending on your score. Gone to the barber, you come back with less hair and so on. But […]

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48 years ago today…

I had my first child, a boy. Times were very different then..every mother looked like Betty Crocker and the babies all looked like the Gerber baby. Whenever you asked someone how their baby was, they would say wonderful, the baby’s fine, couldn’t be better. Everything was beautiful. All families were like Ozzie and Harriet, and this […]

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Pajama Boys of Summer…

I can’t believe it happened to me.  For the past several summers we have been returning to the lake community we had retired to, and rented a home for a month. (Sean makes it through two to three weeks and then has Village withdrawal and has to get back, and that’s OK)   It has been wonderful, […]

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