The Villages

Archive for November, 2012

True Crime…

is alive and well in The Villages, oh I mean the True Crime Book Club. I belong to the Bookworm Book Club and along with 75 plus woman attend the monthly meeting, which is never disappointing. Normally a book club consists of a small group of woman meeting most often in someone’s home to discuss […]

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A Great Christmas Present…

How many times has someone asked you what do you want for Christmas? At this stage of the game many of us don’t need anything, or those asking have other monetary obligations, like children, to worry about for Christmas. We wind up saying, oh don’t worry about me and yet Christmas morning comes and there […]

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What’s Black to Them…

Is Red to me. I guess I never gave it much thought as to why it is called Black Friday. I think I thought it referred to standing in long lines, which would be very unpleasant, difficult, dismal or in other words described as Black. As you see I didn’t put much thought into it […]

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Happy Thanksgiving…

to all my friends, new and old, and Happy Birthday Damian. 17 years old today and going for his driving license tomorrow. I can’t help but think of what I was doing when I was 17, it was a big footbal game day when we played our traditional Thanksgiving Day rival, Hawthorne (NJ) High School. […]

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The USA Pickleball Association recently held its’ National Tournament in Buckeye, Arizona and The Villages were represented by eight of our pickleball players. Now here is the great news, these eight players brought home 13 medals, including 9 gold medals. And these winners thought they were coming to The Villages to retire. I would love to […]

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Combat Veterans To Careers…

and The Villages. There are so many great things going on in The Villages and Combat Veterans to Careers has to be one of the best. We all hear and read how our young Veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are struggling to find employment, continue with their education, deal with their health issues and […]

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I find myself…

wanting to say, if I already told you this story stop me. I actually picked that up from my Grandmother who when in her 80’s was so afraid of repeating herself that she would start every sentence with it. Well this morning I was starting to write about how time flies when I thought didn’t I […]

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Score one more…

for The Villages. As I had mentioned, my son and his family were here for a couple of days and had a good time as usual. My grandson Damian is celebrating his 17th birthday next week and is the son everyone would like to have. He plays Varsity sports, he gets great grades, he’s a […]

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It’s great…

to have company especially when it’s your son and his family. They are arriving this afternoon from New Jersey and they were the lucky ones. No trees down and they had their electric back on in just hours. They have had cousins and nephews staying with them. Teenagers need showers, so it was just a […]

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Learn, Understand, Involve…

and Participate in your local government to guarantee the sustainability of The Villages. That is a sentence taken from the first page of the CDD overview in my Resident Academy binder that I received prior to my attending the Academy several weeks ago.  Many people have expressed concern about the future of The Villages.  It […]

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