The Villages

Archive for April, 2020

How lazy can….

…you get? I don’t know about you but this quarantine has made me very lazy. I think I always had a little lazy streak in me but don’t we all. However nothing compares to the laziness on steroids I’m experiencing lately. I’m wearing the most comfortable clothes day after day after day. My hair is […]

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We’ve come a long way…

…baby. This phone was a little before my time. You had to crank it for it to work. Not quite sure how the crank worked on a phone, I know if you cranked your car the engine would start but I don’t think the early phones had engines. I wonder if, depending how long you […]

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Those were the…

…days when cousins got together and were stuck inside. I came across this photograph and thought, so this is what you do when you are young, and you can’t go outside, and before an adult comes and tells you to clean up your mess. This is yesterday’s version of not leaving the house. In my […]

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Jeez, Jeeves…

…you were a very busy man and I’ve been a very busy lady keeping up with you. My last few dizzying days started with a thought to blog the praises of google. A simple post “can’t believe google can give me the answer” has turned into an information sunaime. Not quite knowing where to start, […]

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How smart…

…do you think you are. Here’s a riddle for you. ? What is greater than God and more evil than the devil? The rich need it and the poor have it. And if you eat it, you will die. ?? It was a very stormy day. The wind gusted up to seventy-five miles an hour. […]

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April 15th is…

…one of my favorite days, as it is the day I was born.  Having it be the deadline for filing yearly taxes has worked in my favor, as people tend to remember it, just as I always remember a friend on Christmas, as that is his birthday, and another whose birthday is on St. Patrick’s […]

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Just a memory…

 …A last minute Easter celebration.  In conversation on Thursday and Friday it came to all of our attention that no one had any plans for Sunday, and that lasted just long enough for all of us to say, then let’s get together.  Everyone contributed; appetizers, salad, meat, main dishes and of course the dreaded, but […]

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We went from this…

to this over night. I don’t think anything in our life has ever prepared us for what we are going through right now. Well, maybe birth did but I don’t think we actually remembered it. We did cry out and some of us wiggled and kicked. We were thrust into a world we were not […]

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…crafts. Now that I have spent guilt free endless hours bingeing on movies, binge reading along with binge eating, I can’t help but think what’s next? I have done a little painting, but not much, I could do that. However when I was straightening some drawers I came across all sorts of costumed jewelry that […]

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…stories. My daughter-in-law Michele wrote me a very sweet email after reading my last blog, regarding my recollections of childhood memories. She wrote as long as I have known you, you’ve always been a mother figure, so it is really enjoyable to learn about your childhood and teenage years, those years before you were a […]

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