The Villages

Archive for February, 2013

If you like…

… this picture you can see many more by going to… … or you can attend the    PHOTO CLUB SHOWCASE   COLONY COTTAGE   SATURDAY, MARCH 2ND   10AM TO 3PM I consider Betty a treasured friend with many talents, among them the ability to capture the right scene, at the right angle, at the right […]

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This could be…

…a picture taken 50 years ago, but it isn’t.  It was taken a few days ago as my Grandson and his girlfriend were arriving home from school, for their afternoon raid on the refrigerator.  When you think of how drastically our lives have changed since our own teenage years, it is quite amazing that the Varsity Jacket is still […]

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You have to believe..

…that your horoscope really knows what you are up to.  In recent years I have taken very few pictures.  I stopped taking pictures when I realized on vacations and the like, I was spending more time taking pictures than I was just enjoying my surroundings.  I was more concerned with gathering friends around a table […]

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I arrived…

…yesterday afternoon to sunny, warm weather and then woke up this morning and looked out my window and was surprised at what had happened overnight.  Anyone who grew up with snow will have very fond memories of it.  We might not like to shovel it, or drive in it, and it does only come when it is […]

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It’s 5 am…

 …in the morning and I am heading North.  Really excited now about seeing everyone: family, extended family and friends.  The time will fly by fast and I will be heading back South before I know it.  I’ve been watching the weather and earlier in the week there was a lot of chatter about a snowstorm […]

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Valentine’s Day…

…what a really nice Holiday.  A Holiday that celebrates love for each other.  A Holiday that makes one feel special.  It has always been one of my very favorite Holidays and I think my love for it goes all the way back to first grade. I remember vividly the teacher bringing in the cardboard box, […]

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Are you hungry…

..for Mexican Food?  If so, we have several different Mexican Restaurants in The Villages that I have eaten at, and enjoyed their food.  One is El Ranchito Mexican Restaurant, which is located on 1 LaGrande Blvd., which I consider to be the beginning of The Villages’ first downtown area.  It is across the street from […]

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My Psychic Experiences…

…is a book written by a very good friend of mine that I met when we were both Sales Representatives with Properties of The Villages.  There was not a lot of opportunity to sit around and chat, however every week the agents would go out on tour to preview all the new listings.  You have […]

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The Villages Tries…

…their hardest to keep us all fit.  If we took part in only one tenth of the available activities and exercise programs that are offered to us, we would be back to our adolescent weight, or at the very least, our teenage weight.  I think one of my current problems is I heard, she is so skinny, for […]

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I met Tim…

many years ago, in fact it was in the mid 1980’s and we were both selling Real Estate in North Jersey.  I always loved when Tim was on the other side of a transaction, as I knew that no matter what obstacle we might encounter when closing a sale, would be overcome by his knowledge, […]

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