The Villages

OK, OK,…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 14•24

… i’ll do it!!! For several years now I have had many people encouraging me to get back to writing and I kept saying that I should, and I will. I’m not sure why I stopped, well actually I do, a few health problems and the loss of Sean. I felt I had no more stories to tell, what should I write about, my lung cancer, my heart attack and various other health issues? I don’t want to talk about them, let alone who wants to hear about them. Another stumbling block was, and is, technology. Because I have been away from blogging the site that I use has been updated significantly over the past few years. In order to do anything, post or introduce pictures etc. is all new. I have to learn the system all over again and I think I had reached an age where I said to myself, I don’t want to learn anymore. I guess you would call it shutting down, however a recent health scare woke me up. I was not afraid of a negative outcome to my health, but the thought of not being able to be on my own weighed heavily on me. I realized that you can not expect to be on your own and get frustrated and shut down the minute challenges presents themselves. You have to continue learning and engaging or you won’t be able to be on your own. Hence, with encouragement from a very special friend, (who you will get to know in future stories) and many others I am posting and hoping that I will figure out how to publish this. If you get to see it, know that I am learning and will be on my own for many a year to come. Hmm, what should I write hair suddenly falling out? No, well actually it may be of interest, how many are worrying about their hair falling out?

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