The Villages

Archive for June, 2013

I feel so guilty…

…whenever I don’t write at least four blogs a week, so you can imagine how guilty I feel right now.  There are some days I don’t even feel retired, it seems I’m playing catch up all day, and that is how this week has been. I do have a reason though as I arrived in New […]

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Happy Father’s Day…

…to all Fathers, relax and enjoy your day.  One of the best Father’s Day gifts I ever bought was the book How To Father by Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson. Even though I was not the father, I read and reread it from cover to cover.  My child raising years were the early 60’s and the one […]

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If Hats Could Only…

…talk.  Well, actually I think hats say a lot, maybe not out loud, but many tell a story, send a message, open up conversations, and even make a person popular or not so popular. Hats come in all sizes and colors, some with brims and some brimless. There’s the top hat, the fedora, the cowboy […]

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This is before…

…the water aerobics class begins.  Within 15 or 20 minutes, had I been able to take a picture, the pool would have been full of exercisers and their paraphernalia which ranges from shoes to noodles to weights to waist flotations and to arm flotations.  I don’t want to forget to mention, and thank, the instructors, who […]

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You Meet The Nicest…

 …animals and people too, in The Villages.  The other evening I happened to be attending a Lifelong Learning Class and found myself sitting next to a young, very impressive entrepreneur. We shared our stories, you know, which village we live in, how long we have been here, and then always the most interesting part of the […]

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.. Sumter County has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System, which is an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. The system is capable of dialing 50,000 phone numbers per hour and then delivers a recorded message to a live person or an answering machine, making three attempts to connect to any number.  The primary […]

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Shared Harvest…

…The Garden That Keeps Giving….…is a Community Garden that was established by a Village resident  in the late 1990s for the simple purpose to grow food for people who need it, and gather volunteers who shared his love of the outdoors and love of gardening.  Over the years the garden has supplied as much as 23 tons of vegetables […]

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That’s not Frank Sinatra…

…but my oldest grandson, who is about to graduate from high school in a couple of weeks, and he is singing one of Frank Sinatra’s hits with the High School Jazz Band. I will take this opportunity to brag a little bit, well brag a lot, as he has the best voice in the world.  He […]

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Calling All Geppettos…

…this is not the birthplace of Pinocchio, but it certainly could have been, as there is a formidable amount of woodworkers and wood carvers busy at work here every day. The Village Woodshop      is the home of 780 members of The Villages Woodworkers  Club.  This is just one more example of The Villages having something for […]

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