The Villages

Archive for August, 2017

Artists, how many ways…

can you be an artist.  These are the ways.   A Visual Artist could be a painter of still life, landscapes, portraits, a photographer, a sculptor, an architect, a graphic designer, a digital designer, an illustrator.  A Conceptual Artist is all about thinking and ideas.  A Performance Artist is a dancer, an actor, a singer, […]

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How To Complain for Dummies…

I’m basically new at this, but I can share a little of what I have learned recently. Biggest lesson, believe nothing a sales person tells you, make them prove it, get it in writing, take their first born, well no at this age we don’t want children, but you get the idea.  Dummies, Google is […]

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Where’s Charlotte…

  ..she wishes she was 10 years old and riding with her Godmother Mary through the streets of Bergen County, New Jersey, in Mary’s 1948 Chrysler convertible.  She felt like the “cat’s meow” and her love of cars was born.   Life was so much simpler, one phone in every home attached to the kitchen […]

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