The Villages

Archive for January, 2012

Wannabe Writers…

Meet in the Courageous Room at Lake Miona Recreation Center.  It is so fitting that the Wannabe Writers meet in the Courageous Room.  I find it takes courage to write.  I don’t know if all people who write need encouragement, but I know I don’t feel good about my writing, but I get a lot […]

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The Tale of the Pocketbook Receipts…

People who know me,  know I carry a very small pocketbook. I do that because I have found that no matter what size pocketbook I use, they become filled to capacity. The bigger they are, the heavier they get, so I stick to small. I have tried, from time to time, to emulate men and put […]

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Alligators and customer service…

You are probably wondering what customer service has to do with alligators. I really said that to get your attention, and to tell you about The Villages’ Customer Service.  District Government has  four full time employees and one part time employee standing by to answer most any question you have, or direct you to someone […]

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Spoons and Paddles…

Most homes in the 60’s had a variety of spoons and paddles, that were used to keep peace, and to teach good behavior and manners. You could actually purchase paddles with cute little sayings on them, that were meant to be left in a conspicuous place where the unruly child could read it and then […]

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With a little help our hearts keep ticking…

I have spoken in the past about the many volunteers in The Villages, but I have just become aware of a very special group. I am sure you have all heard the name, and have seen their training highlighted in the Daily Sun, but perhaps like I, not realized what a vital service they provide […]

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Secret of the Surveyor’s stakes…

Who would think that  pieces of wood, with orange ribbons dancing in the breeze, could attract great attention. Sometimes we know why they are there, but most often we don’t and it arouses great curiosity. Surveyor’s stakes attached to an eight year olds bicycle elicits other reactions, especially from the owner of those stakes and the […]

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Nibbles and Knowledge…

For some reason there are certain words you just like, and I like the word nibble. This morning I heard one of the politicians saying…we are nibbling at their heels. It’s such a friendly word, it is not aggressive, like…we are breathing down their necks..or chomping at the bit…nibbling,  I like that. As I read […]

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Kabbalah and the Lifelong Learning College…

Can you imagine going to college and not worrying about exams, homework, taking courses you only want to and are interested in, being in a class where everyone is happy to be there, with an instructor that is there to share their passion with you.  Well imagine no more.   I’m sure you have seen the Lifelong […]

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Happy Birthday Elvis…

Today is Elvis’s birthday, and he would have been 77 years old. If you don’t know who Elvis is you are too young to read this blog. I’ll never forget hearing about Elvis for the first time. I had been babysitting for the summer in Madison, Connecticut, a beautiful town on the Long Island Sound. […]

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Lost and Found…

Every once and awhile, when I am out and about, I will see a golf cart pulled to the side of the golf path, and the individual or individuals are digging through their golf cart looking for something.  Normally the passenger is digging fast and furiously through her purse, and the driver is checking the […]

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