The Villages

Discovering the secret to retirement….

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 23•11

      My sister Jane from California was visiting recently, and she like myself is retired,  yet is involved in different projects relating to her profession.  As we were discussing retirement, she said what she disliked the most was that things she fit into her day prior to retirement,  such as  shopping,  washing clothes,  cleaning,  dentist & doctor appointments,  getting a hair cut, etc.  have now  taken over her entire day.   ” It seems I just twitter my time away,” she said.  

     Her words hit me like a ton of bricks.  All this while I kept returning to work because I disliked retirement.  Why?…I have become an expert twitterer, actually even better, I am an expert procrastinating twitterer.  I took those chores, and because I didn’t  like doing them I spread them over days and days.  No wonder I always wanted to go back to work. 

      I realized that those people that were really enjoying retirement,  were making  their fun activities  their first priority, and  they then fit those other chores in, just like when they worked.  I  thought I had discovered the secret to  retirement,   happy retirees don’t twitter….until I shared my observation with a happily retired  friend, who said, “are you crazy, that is the greatest thing about retirement,  I love twittering,  I have all the time in the world to twitter, and I do…every day!” 

      Wow, I found it, ” To twitter or not to twitter”  that is the secret.

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