The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 17•13

Sean loves to get a reaction out of people.  He loves to see people laugh, to be happy, and he will go to any length to get a smile out of you.  He does it so much that you would think none of us would believe anything he says, but we fall for it, all the time.  He even will go up to a complete stranger with some story that gets the strangers full attention.  I just stand behind him and shake my head no, until the stranger realizes he is pulling his leg.  I think he loves to see people laugh, and they do.  I’m not Irish, but the Irish would probably call it blarney. Actually he grew up in a village in Ireland that was very close to the Blarney Stone, and in fact  had an uncle, whose job it was to hold visitors when they arched over backwards  to kiss the stone.  Anyway, last Thursday night as we were hurrying to meet our NJ group for dinner at the new City Fire in Brownwood, he said I’m going to start a rumor, watch.  I didn’t say anything like please don’t, as that only makes him more determined, and actually telling me first is the first of the reactions he is probably looking for.  With sixteen people in attendance, I was at one end of the table and he at the other,  all of a sudden I hear What? When? Are you serious?  I can only see his lips going a mile a minute and he is as serious as serious an Irishman can get.  Before starting his little stories he always has the answer for anything you might think to ask him, so he sounds very authentic.   I went on reading the menu, and as always, everyone’s attention turns to me and they ask, is that true Charlotte?  Is what true?  Did Macy’s have a groundbreaking ceremony on Rt.#44 on Monday?  They all were so excited, I hated to be the one to spoil their enthusiastic anticipation.  However, I think they all knew that by the time they ask me, they are already skeptical of his story.  When he has completely pulled them in he gets a little smile, you might even say a twinkle, if that is not too corny.  That is when he gives himself away, his mission accomplished, everyone is laughing.  I have a couple of solutions though for anyone who wants to check out Sean’s stories, or any rumor they may hear  concerning The Villages.  Every week in the Recreation News there is a column on page 2 called Our Place.  Each week a different Director writes about their Department, ie Recreation, Landscape Management, Executive Golf Maintenance etc., and lets you know exactly what is happening in their particular Department.   Janet Tutt, who is our District Manager, always has a very informative update on what is happening in The Villages, and she most often addresses those concerns, or rumors, that residents may have or hear. I love, when it is Janet’s turn to write, as I always learn something.  In her latest column she asked for residents to check out Our Place regularly, and to encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same, so everyone can be well informed.  She encourages residents, if you hear something, or feel a clarification is needed, just contact her at 751-3939 or by email and she will let you know the rest of the story.   If you have not been reading Our Place, and want to know things like what is going on with parking in Spanish Springs,  you can read Janet’s latest column by going to , scroll down the left hand side menu, click on Our Place and you can read all the Our Places you’ve missed.  Last, but by no means least, if you are really serious about our Hometown and how it works, rather than rely on a neighbor for information, or the latest rumor,or Sean, sign up to attend Resident Academy.  I know you are probably sick and tired of me telling you how great the program is, but next time someone says, what is it going to be like when the Developer leaves? Tell them to go to Resident Academy.  They will find out, it will be fine…and you may even find out, he has already left certain areas.  Now is that a rumor, or is it true?  Go to Resident Academy and you will find out exactly what is happening.  I love that program.  You can sign up by calling Customer Service at 352-753-4508. You owe it to yourself to be informed, and you’ll be surprised how many great people you will meet, residents and Directors alike.



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