The Villages

A good time was…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 22•13

had by all. Saturday evening, the Monday, Wednesday, Friday Golf Group got together for their Annual Party. The party was planned for 60 people, however the flu ruined the plans of several, and we wound up with a healthy and lively 56 people. This was the second year we have done this, and that is how it got its’ name, Annual. Several years ago, right before I retired from selling real estate with The Properties of The Villages, a Real Estate Agent from Punta Gorda moved to The Villages and joined the Sales Team. We hit it off immediately and became fast friends. One day she mentioned that her husband was a good golfer and was looking to get into a group. He needed a group to keep his game up and also improve his play. I could identify with her as Sean found himself in that dilemma when we first came to The Villages. He had belonged to 12 different golf groups in and around New York City and liked the competitiveness of the groups he was involved with. He was also lost not having the camaraderie of other golfers. I casually asked my new friend what her husbands handicap was and said no more. I had recommended Sean’s group to a casual golfer one time, and Sean asked me never to do that again. I passed the information on to Sean with his telephone number and left it at that. A few days later, my friend was ecstatic that her husband got a call from someone named Sean and he is joining a group. Shortly after that  I retired and would see her on occasion, as she was still working and busy. I had heard through others that she had been diagnosed with cancer. I did reach out and stay more in touch than I might have otherwise. She went through her treatment and when completed, celebrated her cancer free diagnosis. She would mention quite often how happy she was that her husband was a part of this golf group, and so much so, she started nudging me and others that we should have a Party.  A party where the wives could meet the other golfers their husbands always talked about. She was almost insistent on this happening, even though the cancer she had fought so bravely, reared its’ ugly head again. Unless you knew, you would never have known it had, as she continued to work with all the enthusiasm she had when she was well. In November we decided to do it and made the date for January.  We met regularly, in between her appointments, and we got it off the ground. We sent announcements to all, and got an immediate response, which was positive. She was ecstatic. She was so sure the other wives wanted to meet each other and the response validated her idea. She worked at her job and also on the party, up until one week before. Everything was basically done, all we had to do was set up. That week she became quite sick and kept apologizing that she couldn’t help, but it didn’t matter. It was all done. I spoke to her in the hospital the day before, and she said I am making them release me as I am going to come. That was the last I spoke to her. She was released from the hospital that day, however was not able to attend. When I called  to tell her all about the party I spoke with her son, which at the time I did not realize the significance of his visit. I thought this was a temporary set back and that she would be fine. I called again just a few days later and spoke to an unfamiliar woman, and it was then that I realized the severity of her illness. She passed away just a few short days later. It may not sound fitting that I started this out with a good time was had by all, but if you knew my friend, you would know that is exactly what she wanted..she wanted us to get together. Her determination made us do it, and she will always be remembered everyday, but especially at our Annual party. It was as if she knew the friendships that are forged on the golf course live on, and they must be celebrated.  And celebrate we did…in her honor.



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