The Villages

Happy Birthday Elvis…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 08•12

Today is Elvis’s birthday, and he would have been 77 years old. If you don’t know who Elvis is you are too young to read this blog. I’ll never forget hearing about Elvis for the first time. I had been babysitting for the summer in Madison, Connecticut, a beautiful town on the Long Island Sound. At that time, families that went away for the summer would bring their help with them, including their babysitters. We would leave in June and come back right before school in September. I bring this up because when I left in June we were still listening and dancing to Glenn Miller, and when I came back in September everyone was talking about and listening to Elvis. What a difference. My friends were stunned that I had no idea who he was…and after I heard and saw him, I too wondered where I had been. We, the working babysitters, must not have had access to a radio because there were about ten of us who were together on a daily basis, with our children, and Elvis’s name never came up. To say I was fascinated with Elvis, is an understatement. In commemoration of his birthday today, we exercised to 50 minutes of Elvis’s songs. The 50 minutes flew by fast, and I do have to admit when I heard Heartbreak Hotel I really felt 15 again.

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