The Villages

They grew up so fast…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 24•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA                 I was looking through some pictures when I came across this one taken only a few short years ago.  Two of them have recently gotten their drivers licenses, and the third one is a few months away from getting his permit.  These are my pajama boys of summer, who I have written about in the past.  I’ve had the good fortune of spending six weeks each summer with them, and several summers had them all to myself for four weeks at Lake Naomi in Pennsylvania.  I do believe they had as good a time as I did, and it was probably the one time I really appreciated cell phones. They could roam around independently, spend countless hours sailing, kayaking, swimming and hanging out on an island in the middle of the lake, and also check out the activity at the Club after dusk. as long as they answered on my second or third ring.  And they did.  Last summer was a different story though, whiskers appeared along with girlfriends.  The two licensees now had a purpose to work, well maybe two purposes, a car and a girl.  My time with them was limited, and will probably continue in that direction, which is how it should be.  They were overheard saying though that now they can drive to The Villages, whenever they want.  I think they forgot a couple of reason they can’t;  school,  a job, girlfriends and parental permission.  When I look at that picture, I can’t help but feel their innocence and remember my own carefree exuberance and naivety at that age.  It does not seem like that long ago.  They grew up so fast, but didn’t we all.

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