The Villages

Kabbalah and the Lifelong Learning College…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 10•12

Can you imagine going to college and not worrying about exams, homework, taking courses you only want to and are interested in, being in a class where everyone is happy to be there, with an instructor that is there to share their passion with you.  Well imagine no more.   I’m sure you have seen the Lifelong Learning College’s catalog…65 pages of information and courses you can take in the winter & spring of 2012.  (This is in addition to the 2000 activities I spoke about previously).  There is a small fee to support these learning classes, but many times a course at the Lifelong Learning College is followed up by weekly meetings at our Recreation Centers.  I recently went to a Winter Cram session, where you were able to sign up for a half- hour introduction to those courses you thought you may want to take.  I thought Parapsychology sounded really interesting, and decided to sample those courses. What I fell in love with was the enthusiasm of the instructor.  Five minutes into her introduction I knew I wanted to take one of her courses.  I was with a friend, and she too agreed that we had to do that.  At the end of the half-hour, we wanted to take all her courses but decided on Kabbalah.  My friend knew a little bit about it, and I had never heard about it..but the course description was “First Kabalistic Principal: Don’t Believe Anything You Read. Test Drive the Ideas”.  As one who is having a hard time knowing what to believe lately, this jumped out at me.  My friend and I quickly registered and we attended our first class last night.    Sometimes I am so humbled by the company I am in, and last night was no exception.  Everyone introduced themselves and part of the introduction was why did you take the course.  It seemed everyone knew about Kabbalah, had had some type of interest in the subject, and when it came to my turn I felt a little shy admitting that I had never heard about it, but loved the teacher’s enthusiasm, and if she has that much passion about it, it must be something that I  would like.  The first class was very enlightening, and now that I know a little about it, I can hardly wait until next week.    I love the hustle and bustle of the College, everyone scurrying to their classes, no one worried  about exams or homework or even their appearance.  No one having to look good, in order to attract prince charming for a date  Saturday night.

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