The Villages

Booklovers’ Showcase…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 30•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…this Saturday, Feb. 2nd from 9AM to 2PM, the Writers League of The Villages is holding its’ BookLovers’ Showcase at the Lake Miona Recreation Center.  Attendees will have the opportunity to meet published Authors of all types of books for all different ages, children through adult.  Several years ago I stumbled upon their showcase when I was a Marketing Representative for the Properties of The Villages. I happened to be showing prospective buyers the different amenities that are available to them.  When I pulled into the parking lot at the Lake Miona Recreation Center, it was almost full and I was delighted.  It was always fun to tour clients through recreation centers, when activities and/or functions were in progress, as it gave them a real feel as to what it is like to live in The Villages.   As we weaved through the crowd of people, we were really curious as to what was going on.   When I got to the rooms that were filled to capacity I realized it was a Booklovers’ Showcase, with  all the authors seated at tables with their books, showing and selling them, if one wished.  I really lost my reason for being there and joined in the line snaking around the tables, just as my clients did.  Fortunately for me, they were as excited as I was, and finally half-way around the room, our eyes met, we laughed and left.  They did wind up buying a home later that day, and I’m not sure if the Showcase helped in their decision making, but since retiring I have never missed attending a Showcase.  I, also, always look around to see if I see my past clients, as I know they found the Authors and books as interesting as I did.   Don’t miss it, there’s books for everyone.  Another great project the Writers League is about to launch is the “Author’s Beat”, which is  an internet radio program, Saturday afternoons at   You can listen to author discussions on your computer or your smartphone. All shows are archived with repeats available when you want them.  This is a first of a kind radio program in The Villages. Not surprising that this is just another first for The Villages.  I don’t think we will ever run out of  them. Thank goodness.

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