The Villages

16th Annual Chili Cook-off…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 31•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…is this Saturday, Feb. 2nd, starting at 10AM at Lake Sumter Landing.  The Chili Cook-offs have been a very big happening in The Villages for many years, well 16 to be exact.  It is one of the Rotary Club of The Villages fund raisers, and have they raised funds over the years, in excess of over half-a-million dollars.  That is a lot of chili.  The first such event was held in the late 1990’s, when they didn’t have a whole lot of money and they needed to make money.  The Chili Cookoff was born and the first year, with only 14 teams, they lost $4000. Yes, I did say lost.  However, they never gave up on their passion, learned lessons, ironed out details, ran the 2nd one,  it was successful and the rest is history.  They have gone from the original 14 teams to last year they had 100 teams competing.  The Rotary Club has always focused on raising money for various charities and through all their efforts, not only the Chili Cook-off, since 1996 they have given $600,000 in scholarships, a half-million dollars in support to local organizations and schools and  $345,000 for international projects like polio eradication.  The Club President has said though, that this year they will be honoring Florida’s Friendliest Hometown and celebrating the vision and  spirit of The Villagers.  He went on to say The Villages is a melting pot, or rather a chili pot, and everyone brings something different to the table, the ingredients being their history and talents.  And do we have a lot of ingredients. He hopes that all will come and enjoy each other’s fellowship and have some good chili and dance and shop around and have a day of fun-all for a good cause, and that is helping people less fortunate than us.  There is no charge to browse the event, but if chili fanatics are interested in tasting the chili, they can purchase a wristband for $5 which will give them unlimited access to the many chilis.  You can sample as many chilis as your tummy can hold, and out of respect for some Villagers’ tummies, I will say no more.  The weather has cooperated with the Rotarians, as with chilly weather goes chili.    Also at the Cook-off will be a Home and Garden Show with over 100 vendors, so it is going to be a busy day…I know I’m going to the Booklovers’ Showcase at Lake Miona Recreation Center, then on to the Cook-off.

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