The Villages

I met Tim…

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 06•13

many years ago, in fact it was in the mid 1980’s and we were both selling Real Estate in North Jersey.  I always loved when Tim was on the other side of a transaction, as I knew that no matter what obstacle we might encounter when closing a sale, would be overcome by his knowledge, tenacity and hard work.  We were both working for different Companys at the time, but that did not matter.  We were Realtors that knew that respect and cooperation with each other, was the code of our professionalism.  And a professional Tim is..he is consistently a Top Producer in his office plus has many production awards and achievements to his name: most recently  2011 Coldwell Banker’s Top Fifty Agents in New Jersey (NJ has 1000s of agents) and a 2011 member of Coldwell Banker’s International Diamond Society.  2012 Awards will probably be announced this month, and I’m sure he is right up there, as he always is. Last summer when I saw Tim he had just returned from an appearance on, I believe it was Fox News, as a spokesman for what was happening in the New York Metropolitan Real Estate market. It was fun to hear of his experience and then to see it.   I have always said it has been hard for me to retire as it was not only the work I loved, but more importantly, the friendships and the personalities of the agents in any given Real Estate office, that I miss.   Every day someone will have a story that will make you laugh, make you cry, grab your heart or leave you just wondering.   It takes a special type of person to be a Realtor, many try and fail, but those that are successful are also special.   That is what brings me to this story today.  I happened to see this on facebook and enjoyed seeing Tim and what he had been up to,  so thought I would pass it on. I also thought it is a great reminder of what we are missing, especially while we are enjoying the 81 degrees forcasted for today.  This is just one of the many stories told in an office, only something a Realtor would do and then tell about it.    Enjoy.  – Tim is on the right in first photo with Bill, his longtime friend and Realtor partner.


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