The Villages

Nibbles and Knowledge…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 12•12

For some reason there are certain words you just like, and I like the word nibble. This morning I heard one of the politicians saying…we are nibbling at their heels. It’s such a friendly word, it is not aggressive, like…we are breathing down their necks..or chomping at the bit…nibbling,  I like that. As I read today’s paper there just happened to be an ad that caught my eye. Nibbles and Knowledge..I can’t remember the last time I had heard the word,  but here it was again. The ad was placed by one of the Health Groups in the Villages, they are encouraging people to stick to their Diet Resolutions, and they are inviting residents to their Nibbles and Knowledge seminar. I got a kick out of that as when I was working with Realtors in NJ, I would have monthly Lunch and Learns. This sounds like quite the same thing, however those attending will be nibbling rather than lunching.  It sounds like an effective way to lose weight.  If we all just nibbled we probably would reach our  Resolution goals a lot quicker.  At the bottom of the ad it says Snacks will be provided.  Snacks and nibbling?  Now I’m not so sure I like that word used with snacks.  Snacks and munching, doesn’t that have a better ring to it?

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