The Villages

The Villages Tries…

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 07•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…their hardest to keep us all fit.  If we took part in only one tenth of the available activities and exercise programs that are offered to us, we would be back to our adolescent weight, or at the very least, our teenage weight.  I think one of my current problems is I heard, she is so skinny, for so many years, that I think I still am. Sometimes we don’t accept what we currently look like until we unexpectedly catch a glimpse of ourselves in a mirror, and then it is a rude awakening.  That’s me?  We then diet for a day or two and are back to our fantasy vision of ourselves, until another mirror encounter.  Over the years I have joined health clubs of all sizes and descriptions, with friends of all sizes and descriptions, and only one time, stuck to it with great regularity.  I was in super shape, but as I recollect, I was in super shape when I joined.  Maybe that is the difference.  Twice I have had a personal trainer and I can only say that when you are a senior citizen, do not get a young male trainer that is trying to qualify to be a firefighter, as he will have very little enthusiasm about your fitness.  More than once I thought, if I was only 21 again, you’d be sorry.  When he left for his new firefighter job I got a young woman and loved it.  We talked, and talked, and talked.  None of that firefighter exercising for me.  Anyway, fitness is extremely important at this stage of our lives and we have so many things we can do.  We have the Wellness Center,  now MVP,  which is a full fledged fitness center, with trainers and classes and every piece of exercise equipment you can think of.  We have four Fitness Club’s at our Regional Recreation Centers, which also have exercise equipment.  We have Walking Paths and I’m not sure how many people are familiar with The Villages FitnessTrail. It is located next to the Shuffleboard  and Picnic Area, by Lake Miona Regional Recreation Center  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  There is a pine straw path, beneath beautiful live oak trees, that has nine exercise stations that have instructions as to how to do the exercise correctly.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   At each station, the equipment has two different set-ups, depending upon one’s physical ability.  I tried a couple of the easiest positions, and can’t imagine the shape I would be in if I completed all nine.  This facility is just one more opportunity we have to maintain our health, and I have to thank The Villages for all that they do to keep us healthy.  Let’s show them that they CAN lead a horse to water, and if there is lots of water, they may just drink.  Happy exercising.

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