The Villages

My Psychic Experiences…

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 09•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…is a book written by a very good friend of mine that I met when we were both Sales Representatives with Properties of The Villages.  There was not a lot of opportunity to sit around and chat, however every week the agents would go out on tour to preview all the new listings.  You have probably seen fully occupied trolleys, early in the morning, in village neighborhoods and wondered, what they were doing?  No, they are not lost, just doing their part in keeping the agents educated.  Anyway, it was during those tours that I got to sit with Dotty and chat.  She had shared with me her background in the field of Parapsychology; psychic readings, dream interpretations, seances and the like.  She told me that she was psychic from a very early age, predicting things that were going to happen and getting into a lot of trouble,  when her predictions came true.  There was no way a little girl could know such and such was going to happen.  She must have done it.  Dotty’s stories fascinated me and I inquired as to whether she would ever get back into doing readings.  At the time she was too busy, and also, from other people I have spoken to that use their psychic abilities in one form or another, it is my impression that there is a point where it is a very heavy burden, and they need some time away from it.  Perhaps, to clear their minds.  Fast forward to my retiring, and then Dotty retiring and we would see each other occassionally. She had started up a new business as a Home Care Specialist, and was working seven days a week.  Everyone wanted Dotty.  A year went by and I happened to bump into her at Brownwood about two months ago,  and she told me she had written a book, and would be getting back into doing Psychic Readings.  I was so excited and we promised to keep in touch.  I then bumped in to her at Publix, and she explained she was out of the house for the first time in three weeks, after being down with the flu. We again promised to keep in touch.  A week later I bumped into her again.  We laughed,  but I am convinced there are no coincidences in life, Dotty and I were meant to meet.   There is no other explanation for us bumping into each other in such a short period of time, in a community of 85,000 people.  I think it was that Dotty just happened to have a copy of her book with her, so we met in the parking lot where I obtained one, and I have not been able to put the book down since.  Fascinating.   I plan to get a group together to meet Dotty and preview her book, to ask her questions and even try out our own intuitions.  I am a great believer in the science of parapsychology, and will admit, many years ago I would have nothing to do with it.  I think it scared me, I didn’t want to know, I felt it might alter my thinking.  I think I went as far as thinking that anyone who believed in astrology and psychic powers was a little crazy, and those who read charts, and cards and minds, they were really crazy.  I will tell you now that I am a believer, and the one thing I have observed is those individuals who are the teachers, and practicing parapsychologists, are among the most compassionate people that I have known.  They are really good people, and are comfortable in their own skin, so as to speak.   They have no axes to grind, and they will never try to convince you to believe. Nice, nice people. I think also we forget that ESP, Self-Hypnosis, Relaxation Enrichment, Habit Control: Stop Smoking/Weight Loss, Setting Goals and Stress Management are all methods used in the psychic field.   For anyone interested in knowing more, there is a Parapsychology Club, and also there are several different courses at the Lifelong Learning College that might be of interest to you.  If you have an interest in meeting Dotty, you can email me at    At another time I will share my theory of pennies from Heaven.

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