The Villages

You have to believe..

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 22•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…that your horoscope really knows what you are up to.  In recent years I have taken very few pictures.  I stopped taking pictures when I realized on vacations and the like, I was spending more time taking pictures than I was just enjoying my surroundings.  I was more concerned with gathering friends around a table to take a picture, instead of sitting and enjoying their company.  My pictures documented my activities, as if I had no life; no family or friends, no vacations,  if I didn’t have a picture.  Once I stopped taking pictures I felt liberated.  I would take my camera on trips and to family gatherings, but would rarely use it.  At times I would become annoyed when people would round me up for a picture, or step in front of me to take a picture. However, things happen, times change.  Recently my son thought I ought to add pictures to my blog.  He guided me through the steps I needed to take to add them and the rest is history.  I think it perks up the blog, and now, I’m the one running around with my camera, standing in front of people, documenting.  I still am a little shy doing it, but I can see that the shyness is fading fast. Above is my horoscope that was published a few days ago, and you have to believe too, there is definitely something to it.  I no longer take pictures for myself, but I take them for you.  I hope you enjoy them.

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