The Villages

Secret of the Surveyor’s stakes…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 13•12

Who would think that  pieces of wood, with orange ribbons dancing in the breeze, could attract great attention. Sometimes we know why they are there, but most often we don’t and it arouses great curiosity. Surveyor’s stakes attached to an eight year olds bicycle elicits other reactions, especially from the owner of those stakes and the mother of the eight year old.  However, most often it is curiosity though and so it is with the stakes under the big oak trees on the corner of Morse Blvd. and Mission Hills. When they appeared about two or three weeks ago,  I couldn’t  figure out what was happening, as the stakes seemed to have no rhyme nor reason to them, and there were many.   The oaks are absolutely beautiful in that area, and anyone who has come out of the tunnel under Rt.#466 and headed towards the bridge into Lake Sumter Landing and is not in awe of their size, number of them and the shade they afford…can’t be a friend of mine.  While my curiosity was piqued, I also was worried. Were the trees coming down, was some type of building going up, couldn’t be a road as there was an opening to the lake.   Today I found out that the stakes are part of the birth of the Live Oaks Park. A park that will have picnic benches for our pleasure, a nice cool spot to sit and read under the shade of those wonderful oaks and overlooking the lake. The Villages just keeps enhancing our lives, how lucky are we?

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