The Villages

I arrived…

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 16•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…yesterday afternoon to sunny, warm weather and then woke up this morning and looked out my window and was surprised at what had happened overnight.  Anyone who grew up with snow will have very fond memories of it.  We might not like to shovel it, or drive in it, and it does only come when it is cold, and we can’t play golf in it, but it is beautiful right after it stops.  It is quiet, it is clean, and in some cases covers up a multitude of unsightly sights.  Somehow a good snowfall slows everyone down.  It brings families together.  I call what happened last night a snowfall, everyone else here considers it a dusting.  The roads were warm enough so it did not stick, and when I went out to take this picture all you could hear was some serious dripping.  This would not be a snow event that would keep any one away from work or school, but to me it was perfect.  I got my taste of the snowfall we all miss, and it will be gone by this afternoon.  I will be here a few weeks and I have heard February may get more snow than usual this year, so we will have to see.  I have already planted myself in front of those big windows, and with the light flowing in from all angles, have a perfect place to curl up and read.  I’m thoroughly enjoying myself.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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