The Villages

This could be…

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 23•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…a picture taken 50 years ago, but it isn’t.  It was taken a few days ago as my Grandson and his girlfriend were arriving home from school, for their afternoon raid on the refrigerator.  When you think of how drastically our lives have changed since our own teenage years, it is quite amazing that the Varsity Jacket is still pretty much the same, with one exception.  There are competitive sports teams in high school now for girls, where they can earn their own jackets, as in the above picture.  In my era, the closest we would get to wearing a jacket, was having a boyfriend with a jacket.  That is, a boyfriend who would let you wear it long enough to be seen by the other girls, provoking great envy and jealousy.  Popularity was not dictated by looks and personality alone, a Varsity jacket and a car..any kind of car..moved you up a few extra rungs on the popularity ladder.  However, when you peel away all the technology available to teens;  the phones with texting, the tablets, ipads, and the video games, they still are the just same as we were. They need their friends, they need their food, and they need their activities.   It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?  We still have and want friends, we certainly are into our food, and we love our activities. How many times have you heard Villagers say I feel like a teenager again.  It could be that we have any and all sports here, too many restaurants to name, and we have an abundance of friends.  We are set apart from our teenage counterparts, as we don’t have Varsity jackets, but it also can be said we don’t have white bucks and Varsity sweaters, and that could be a good thing.

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