The Villages

With a little help our hearts keep ticking…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 15•12

I have spoken in the past about the many volunteers in The Villages, but I have just become aware of a very special group. I am sure you have all heard the name, and have seen their training highlighted in the Daily Sun, but perhaps like I, not realized what a vital service they provide to all of us. CERT means Community Emergency Response Team. CERT members are residents who volunteer their time.   If my understanding is correct, there are 40 CPR/AED neighborhood  teams, of which they are a part of,  that are trained & certified in CPR,  (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED techniques, (automatic external defibrillator, of which we have over 100 AEDs positioned throughout The Villages).  These residents are equipped with beepers/pagers to alert each team member when a cardiac 911 call is made from their respective neighborhood, at the exact same time EMS professionals are alerted.   Many times they get to the emergency before the EMS, and can begin the life saving techniques until EMS arrives. The national average of survival of sudden cardiac arrest is 6%, and The Villages has a survival rate of 48%. I’m hoping we never have a heart attack, but if we do, I can’t think of a better place to have it. Hats off and thanks to those certified residents,  who train so hard to make sure our hearts keep ticking.

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