The Villages

The Irish are Coming…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 15•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…and just as the sign says on Rt.#44, they really are.  Sean’s sons and their friend Pastor Alec are coming for their yearly visit to play golf, golf, and more   The  competitive acorn does not fall far from the tree, so they come loaded for bear.  For many years as hard as they tried, young Sean and Mike could not beat their Father, though both are really good athletes.  Several years ago, I believe it was Mike that finally got the best of him and of course the call went out immediately to his Brother that I did it, I beat Dad.  However, the victory was short lived as Sean had open heart surgery a few months later, and he was able to say you only beat me when four of my arteries were blocked.  Last year all three of them gave him a run for his money, and left with big smiles to return again this year they think,  to do it again.  He has been playing pretty good the past few weeks, and keeps whispering  he hopes he is playing this well when the kids get here, as if he said it out loud it would jinx him.   Their best friend Pastor Alec was also raised in the Bronx as Sean and Mike were, and even though  he is Korean, he has a way of developing  a bit of a brogue when spending a week with all three of them.  There is no place like New York City to attend a St. Patrick’s Day parade, but I’m pretty sure for four guys, it will be more fun to see who struts off the golf course the winner on this St. Patrick’s Day.

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