The Villages

The battle of the computer…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 18•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA …and me. If you had to bet money on who was going to win, I most definitely would place my money on the computer, however I have a computer guru in the house, Sean’s son Mike. I hate to bother him while he is on vacation, however I am so stressed out about my situation that I am going to call upon his expertise and I’m hoping he will be able to help me.
I am confident he will know what to do, it will be whether I can carry on when he is not right beside me telling me what to do. My son has been helping me in the past, but I hesitated to call him, and didn’t until today, as he told me several months ago to write my blog and copy and paste it, as I had had a previous problem like the one I am experiencing now.  Well it happened to me Friday, and I hadn’t done what he said, and it happened again yesterday. I finally broke down and called him and the first thing out of his mouth was, Mom didn’t I tell you…wait a minute, who’s the parent here…my response was why don’t you think I called you sooner, I was desperately trying to do what you told me to do and I can’t do it. That’s the only reason I called. Of course we both laughed and I’m sure he shook his head. He said I’ll call you tonight and I will walk you through it. Wait a minute, Mike is visiting, and he can probably sit me down and make me do it…I’m hoping to have this all done before my son calls. If you get to read it you will know that Mike was successful in teaching me. PS (post secret) My daughter-in-law Laura worked me through the problem.  Thanks Laura, I Love You

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