The Villages

Friendly Competition…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 23•13


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA..swirled around the O’Flynn residence this past week.  They arrived to a wonderful week of weather, leaving the cold, rain, snow and ice back in New Jersey and Colorado.  They played for six days straight, early morning tee times and after that a quick lunch and another 9 or 18 holes, whatever they could get in before dusk.  I’m not sure who enjoyed their visit more; the two brothers, Mike and Sean, reuniting after a year apart, Alec, their good friend and Pastor, who loved being a part of the Irish family competition, or Sean the Father, whose game held up under the pressure of holding up. They would drop him off however after the first 18 holes, giving him a chance to recover before the next early morning tee time. He was no stranger to playing 36 holes, but that was in his heyday. Cooking for them was not difficult at all as their focus was golf, every thing was secondary.  They had every electronic device to analyze their swings, to watch training films on their booklets, or ipods or whatever they were holding in their hands.  They were busy as bees all week, determined to keep the edge they had over their Father.  They regripped their clubs, they had a tool that sharpened the grooves in their clubs, they even had a little gadget they attached to their club, that was hooked up to their computer, that recorded their swings. Sean would keep telling them, stop analyzing, just get up and hit the ball. Which brings me to another subject.  They were totally connected to their families and at any given time one of them was texting or talking with their wives or children.  Alec, who has three sons and the only one with a teenager…just…13 years old, spent quality time on the phone making sure his influence was still being felt at home. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter watching all three of them over the period of a week, brought back vivid memories of ourselves at their age;addressing home situations and situations that were arising at their jobs, Sean and I decided we will take retirement any day. As I had mentioned in a previous blog, it was only in recent years they were able to beat their Father, even though he always gave them a good run for their money, this past week brought success to all.  The last day was the best day, though.  They were playing from the gold tees, and they kept telling him, Dad you can play from the blues today, and his response was oh no, I’m not going to give you any excuse when I beat you.  I’ll stay right here.  He went on to beat all three of them, and they all shook their heads in amazement, how did you do it Dad, how?  Well, I have this little gadget on my club to analyze my swing on my computer, that is after I regripped them and sharpened the grooves…alls well that ends well. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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