The Villages

Alligators and customer service…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 19•12

You are probably wondering what customer service has to do with alligators. I really said that to get your attention, and to tell you about The Villages’ Customer Service.  District Government has  four full time employees and one part time employee standing by to answer most any question you have, or direct you to someone who can help you.  It is reminiscent of the Telephone Operators that said “Number please” when you picked up the receiver.  We would say “Information please” and we would get a different operator who would give us the number we were looking for. To be a telephone operator I think you had to have a sunny disposition that could be projected through the phone, as I never remember getting a cranky operator.    Our customer service, besides having sunny dispositions, go above and beyond.  As operators in the past could only give you a number when you have an address, in our case all you need to do is remember why you called them, and then tell them what you are looking for.   They will give you directions, information regarding gate passes, IDs, recreational vehicle storage, guest passes and much much more.  I don’t know if you are like me, but there are times I sit and look at The Villages phone book, and think what Dept. should I call…now all I need to know is that Customer Service is there to steer me in the right direction with the right number.   753-4508  There is some truth to the alligator and customer service,  they will tell you who to call with an alligator concern.  You ask and they will tell.

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