The Villages

The Villages X

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 04•13

CCF04042013_00002…marks the spot.  Central Florida, who ever thought?  Many years ago my Administrative Assistant was thinking of retiring in a couple of years and had mentioned they had bought property in Lady Lake Florida, which they didn’t have to build on for a few years.  Because I had never heard of Lady Lake I asked her where it was.  Central Florida about an hour north of Orlando.  I remember shaking my head as I walked back to my office thinking, I thought she was smart..that doesn’t sound too smart to me.  Central Florida? Little did I realize at that time that I was the dumb one, she was smart. To me the only good thing about Florida was the ocean or the gulf, and I know many people who still think that.  For those of you who love living in Central Florida, and for those that want to see what living in Central Florida is really like, the Daily Sun has  their yearly  CCF04042013_00003Pictures in Paradise Contest and they have just published all the pictures our phenomenal Village potographers have submitted and they are wonderful.  They have a group of Around The Villages, but even if you  CCF04042013_00004 go to the Sports section a lot of the pictures are also in The Villages, such as our Dragon Boats, Pickleball, all the Polo pictures of our Polo teams, and much more. I included a few but for a real treat go onto and on the right hand side is Pictures In Paradise and you can get a real feel of what it is like  here in Central Florida.  Many of the Sunrise and Sunset pictures are taken overlooking Lake Sumter.  They say Key West has the best sunsets.  I’ve seen them and they are spectacular, but I feel we have every bit as spectacular ones right here.CCF04042013_00005I love Central Florida, and it is nothing like what I expected.  So for those who wonder why I’m here in Paradise, check out the Pictures.

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