The Villages

April 15th is…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 14•20

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…one of my favorite days, as it is the day I was born.  Having it be the deadline for filing yearly taxes has worked in my favor, as people tend to remember it, just as I always remember a friend on Christmas, as that is his birthday, and another whose birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day, she is always on my mind when March 17th approaches. I’ll never forget when I was very very young, and just learning that one had a birthday and that each year on that day you became a year older. This was a delightful thought for me as I was the youngest of three girls, and did not like being the little one that couldn’t do a lot of things.  This birtday revelation now made it possible for me to get older every year and then I would be the oldest, and I would be able to do things that they couldn’t.  My bubble was burst when I was told my sisters also had birthdays.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Another thing I learned was that opening day for trout season was not a part of my birthday celebration.   The Saddle River ran behind our house and was a fantastic home of many fish, including trout.  Again when I was learning my birthday was a special day just for me, the cars were lined up and down our street.  The mood was very festive as the cars pulled up and men of all sizes pulled on what looked like rubber pants with suspenders, which I later found out were called waders, and with smiles as wide as their faces they trodded down the road to the bridge where they could fish or walk along the river and throw their lines in.  At first I thought they were coming to see me, but was told no, it is opening day for trout that is why they are so happy.  Somehow in my young mind I thought because my day was so special it meant everyone could go fishing.  How disappointed was I when I found out that my birthday had no control over opening day for trout.  Years have flown by and I have had many, many happy birthdays, but what I cherish the most, and remember the most is the kindness of friends and their well wishes.  Thanks again to all who remembered me…and filed their taxes on time too.

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