The Villages

A Perfect…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 24•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…Wedding…of a perfect couple…on a perfect day…in beautiful Charlottesville, Va.  My neice Mairi and her husband Leigh were united in marriage last Saturday at the Fat Cat Farm, located in the rolling countryside at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains   Although it had rained for a few days leading up to the wedding, the sun came out Saturday and as we waited for the bride to appear, we basked in its’ warmth.  Spring is so special as everything is coming alive again and brings its’ own color and scent, especially after a good country rain. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI can’t begin to tell you how I felt when I saw Mairi walking to accept her new beginning with her soon to be husband. There was a gentle breeze that brought the scent of honeysuckle with it, as chamber music accompanied her down the isle.  This truly was a marriage made in Heaven and also a wedding day, made in Heaven.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA As vows were exchanged, OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA the love they have for each other was very apparent.  The reception started immediatley after the ceremony OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA with the Mother of the bride, my sister,  looking very relaxed that everything went so well and that the weather had co-operated.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Shortly after these pictures, the reception moved into the Barn, where the festivities continued.  Also, shortly after these pictures, the battery light on my camera blinked that it was empty, so I apologize for the lack of pictures of the continuing reception, but more so, that I do not have good pictures of the newlyweds to share.  It was a great day, a day where two families united as one, and it was a day I will always feel privileged to have been a part of that family. Congratulations Mairi and Leigh, may every spring breeze remind you of this memorable day.

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