The Villages

A is for…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 30•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…atrocious, which means extremely bad, which it is when your A key falls off.  When it first happened I was able to snap it back on and go on about my business, then it happened again and again and became really annoying.  I then started typing without it, as I am doing right now, and that works as long as I don’t think about it, but if I do then I can’t position my hand properly and wind up with words that are not words.  Yesterday I had a real hard time concentrating on what I was typing as I kept thinking about the missing key, and by the end of the day my little finger was really sore from  hitting the little knob that is the A.  I wished that it was the Q or the X or Z key, as I know for sure I would not miss them at all, and I would tell myself that the lack of them gave character to my computer.  I don’t know why it happened, other than you probably use the A key more than any other one, except maybe the E.  I’m hoping computer keys are not like teeth, and as they get older they start falling out.  It could get to be an expensive proposition as I have many more computer keys than I do teeth.   However, unlike our teeth, we can replace the entire computer with its’ 100+ keys for a lot less than replacing all our teeth.  Well, it is off to MMD Computer Center, hopefully for a quick fix and will be back soon.

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