The Villages

Sean Being Retired…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 06•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…means I can’t always get my hands on the computer.  There is a new normal in our house and it’s called Sean.  If you are  wondering why I am not writing my blog as much, or not calling or seeing my friends as often, it is because of his recent retirement.  Actually he will be going back to work in four or five months when Tierra Del Sol’s golf course will again be open, however in the meantime both of our routines have been disrupted.  It’s amazing how easily that happens.  We don’t think of ourselves as such creatures of habit but boy we are, throw us off for 30 minutes and our whole day is upside down.  Sean is an Ambassador on the golf course at Tierra and works three 1/2 days a week.  The course will be temporarily closed for several months for maintenance purposes.  You’d think he would like the break but honestly he really enjoys being on the course whether playing or working as he loves being with the people, whether playing or working.   He does have a project going on in the garage that keeps him busy most of the day, and I think he loves when I go out as it gives him some alone time. He is always telling me to go shopping, or swimming, or out with my friends. You are probably wondering what could be the problem?  The problem is he would be up and out by 6 or 6:30 am six mornings a week, just about the time I am getting up.  I am a morning person, I do my writing in the morning and anything that needs my full attention. I am used to the quietness of the morning and I love it.  If I’m trying to do something  I am very easily distracted, even hearing noise from the TV in the next room or a call for help – what’s an eleven letter word for opinion? Years ago if I was distracted or interrupted when doing something, as soon as I was done I could go right back and complete the job.  Now if I am interrupted I forget what I was doing and I’m off doing something entirely different. It may be hours before going back to the original task at hand, and if it is not morning that is a problem. However with all that said I do love having him around and I  do enjoy sitting and having coffee, reading the paper and helping with the crossword puzzle, and I’m quite sure that when Tierra opens up again, I will miss him dearly and have to get used to the old normal once again.

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