The Villages

A Very Important Date…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 08•13

CCF05082013_00000…May 8th and that is tonight. It is the yearly Villages Homeowner’s Association meeting where the Developer is the guest speaker and will update the residents on past and future happenings in The Villages.  It is fun to hear the statistics of growth, which are always staggering and to hear what we can expect in the future.  It is at a time like tonight that I wish I knew shorthand as I like to bring you all the good stuff I’m going to hear tonight.  However, I’ll try but what I miss I believe will be in the Daily Sun tomorrow and then the speech will be televised on The Village channel on Saturday. I find the history of The Villages and the Morse family fascinating, I am a great admirer of what they have achieved here. If you would like to hear from the three siblings, Mark, Tracy and Jennifer speak about their early years in Michigan and then eventually moving to Florida, and working at the restaurants waiting on tables and washing dishes, I suggest you go to and type in Building of Brownwood – Episode 10 and Episode 11.  We have been the lucky recipients of their parents dream and the work ethics, the hard work, the risks taken, and determination they all share, to give us such an enriched retirement.  I am in awe of all they have accomplished and I thank them profusely. Looking forward to see what we’ll hear tonight.

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