The Villages

Happy Mother’s Day…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 12•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…to all my friends.  For quite a few years now I have spent Mother’s Day in Florida and because Sean was working on Sunday mornings, I would always go to Tierra’s Brunch with my close friend Carole.  If you have never gone to it don’t wait until next Mother’s Day to go.  They have it every Sunday and it is fabulous..all the breakfast goodies plus omelets made to order, a carving station and what sets it apart from all the others are all the homemade pastries. CCF05122013_00000  Today though we missed our yearly treat because I came down with some type of cold and because Carole is traveling North to her Grandaughters College graduation I do not want to pass my cold on to her or anyone else I might come in contact with.  I think many of us are melancholy today as Mother’s Day was always very special to many of us.  I find it is times like this that I reflect on years gone by and wonder where have they gone,CCF05122013_00001just like this card that I got 15 years ago from a little boy who could only scribble his name on the inside.  He is now 16 years old and has a girlfriend that he will most likely be spending time with today, so even if I were around the corner from him I might get a hello, kiss on the cheek, goodbye and that is the way it should be, as life moves on.  As Mothers and Grandmothers we had a job to do, to raise them up and send them out, and when we see them standing on their own two feet, and being successful with their jobs and marriages, what greater gift is that.  We grew up and out too, and I think our children are happy for us that we have become successful retirees enjoying life to the fullest.   Again, Happy Mother’s Day.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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