The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - May• 16•13

Kilimanjaro _9 email-1…Golf.  It’s amazing that I’ve been writing my blog for quite sometime and have not written that much about golf.  I think perhaps I am a bit intimidated, as living with an avid golfer I’m afraid I am going to get something wrong, or more likely golf is such a big part of The Villages and there is so much to cover I always wanted to make sure everything I said about the courses was accurate.  Putting caution aside I am going to share with you what I know, what I have been told and what I have read.  Here goes. You may be wondering if I am a golfer.  First let me say that for 15 years I lived on a golf course in New Jersey and for nine of those years I was on the Board of Directors of Deer Run Townhome and Golf Club Community.  As directors we were involved in every phase of the golf management, from the pros to the carts to turf management, in other words everything. Do I play golf? My answer is I am on my second set of clubs, my clubs have been re-gripped a few times, I have golf shoes, and golf shirts and shorts, golf visors and sunglasses.  I have taken lessons twice to improve my game.  Sounds pretty impressive so far?  No, don’t be impressed,  I have only practiced a few times, I have only completed one round of golf…18 holes.  My biggest thrill on the golf course was a double bogey, watching a killdeer protect her young, coming upon a possum with about 12 babies on her back,  oh and I also enjoy riding in the golf cart. I have promised myself that I am going to start playing seriously and that is why my clubs have been re-gripped, in anticipation of my using them. Sean, my avid in house golfer, won’t play with me because I  won’t practice.  Many times in the evening we would go out and hit balls and I would get tired after about 10 minutes.  This is very frustrating to someone who can hit balls for hours to improve his game. He doesn’t understand that I just want to play, I don’t want to practice. If you think I am avoiding the subject I probably am, as there is a lot to say.  If you go to the top menu and click on golf I will try to do The Villages proud.

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