The Villages

Food Truck Surprise…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 19•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…in Wildwood, a new phenomenon. Food trucks have been around for a long time and I’m sure many of you have some great and maybe not so great memories.  Mine have all been good.  My first introduction to food trucks was at a 4th of July parade in the 1940’s.  Actually when I think about  it, it wasn’t a truck but a food cart and you could actually buy a hot dog that was not prepared by your Mother.  That was fantastic, and it even had mustard and relish that you could put on yourself.  My memory takes me next to the hot dog carts in NYC.  In my senior year in high school several times a group of us would get sick and not be able to attend school, but miraculously we could take a bus to New York City, buy a subway ticket and ride the subway all day, until 3:00pm, when we could come above ground, because if anyone saw us at that point, our appearance  (and health) would not be subjected to the scrutiny of the  High School Truant Officer.  We would surface and run for the Hot Dog Cart, where you could get Hot Dogs, Sauerkraut, Onions, Mustard, Relish and Catsup plus a drink, all within our limited budgets.  No other hot dogs taste like those hot dogs, and if you haven’t had one put it on your bucket list.  Then came the trucks.  When I went to work, we called them the Sandwich Trucks, and they were there with coffee and breakfast items, (I seem to remember them being called Coffee Wagons too) they would leave after we awakened ourselves with caffeine and then come back at noon with our lunch. We all depended on them and if they got a flat tire, or had truck trouble, we all suffered dearly.  There was a time that they were seen outside of most every building that had numerous employees, and also at most construction sites.  A couple of years ago, when I was taking clients out showing them properties, someone mentioned to me that he was optimistic that the economy was picking up, and when asked what he based his optimism on, he said last year the food trucks on the construction sites only had a few chairs, and they were most often empty, if you notice they now have a table, many more chairs and they are occupied. Hmm…never thought of it that way.  You are probably wondering why I am rambling on so and want me to get to the point.  Recently I read an article that in Wildwood they had had an evening with the  Food Trucks and it was so successful that they were going to have it every third Friday of the month.  They were going to have four gourmet food trucks, a dessert truck and a booth where they sold sub-sandwiches.                                    OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA                 I guess the word gourmet piqued my interest, and I rallied up a few people to go with me.  I don’t know if I or they would have gone if it just said Food Truck.  When we got there it did not disappoint, in fact it was a real find.  Besides being able to get BBQ, Philly Cheesesteaks, Sub-sandwiches, and specialty cupcakes, there was the Lobster Truck.                         OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA        I was a little leery about that as I was with a Maine Lobster lover, and I thought there is no way she can be satisfied with a Lobster Roll in Wildwood, Fla. Well, to my surprise she loved it and so did I.  The chunks of Lobster were bigger than any I have ever seen before.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA It really was a great experience and plan on returning the third Friday of the month to the lawn in front of the Wildwood City Hall. If you happen to attend I suggest you bring chairs so you can sit under the oak trees and listen to the band that plays and enjoy your meal.  As we left and I glanced back at the trucks and people, I remarked that it was like going to a carnival without the rides…it was my kind of fun…didn’t have to go on the ferris wheel or roller coaster.

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