The Villages

Do Hoppier Beers

Written By: Charlotte - May• 25•13

CCF05252013_00001 …make you happier?  Yes, that is what one of the club members of The Villages Home Brewers Club was quoted saying in a recent article I read. With the weather being up in the 90’s this past week it certainly seems like a good time to have a beer, or at the very least talk about having one.  I have known people who have made their own wine, in fact my best friend’s husband Rudy, would gather up all the red grapes he could get and retreat to his basement and made enough red wine to last him until the next year’s harvest of grapes came in.  Every night he would enjoy a glass of wine with his dinner.  He also had a fabulous garden, but that is a story for another day. However I have not heard of people making wine in The Villages, but we have beer brewers and beer lovers that gather monthly to learn about home brewing, and even better than that to taste each others brews.                                              CCF05252013_00000

Their discussions consists of sharing knowledge – of new recipes, new beers and any new places to go and try those new beers.  They critique the beer recipes and help each other make their beers better – what went in, and what came out –  and what to do to create a better beer.  One member said that home brewers are a different sort of breed.  We’re all friendly, and we like to brag about what we do and our successes.  I have two sons that got involved in the BBQ challenges, and I think they have the same philosophy – they’re  friendly too, and they are always trying something new, and yes they brag about their successes.  I wonder how many brewers have some good BBQ recipes too? The club is three years old and started with 11 people and are now 60 strong, with 30 to 35 regular brewers, which means club members get to try quite a few interesting beers.  If you want to learn more about this happier, friendlier, sudsier group they meet 7PM the third Thursday of the month at Sterling Heights Recreation Center.  Salute, no I mean Cheers.

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