The Villages

The Tale of the Pocketbook Receipts…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 26•12

People who know me,  know I carry a very small pocketbook. I do that because I have found that no matter what size pocketbook I use, they become filled to capacity. The bigger they are, the heavier they get, so I stick to small. I have tried, from time to time, to emulate men and put my wallet in one pocket and my phone in the other.  Pockets do work well for very short trips, provided you don’t need a tissue, a mint, a pen, a piece of paper to write something down on, an appt. book, hand sanitizer, a change purse or any number of other items. Also, how would you collect a weeks worth of receipts? You would need multiple pockets for that, which brings me to my topic. Even my small bag will collect receipts, and I usually try to straighten them out in a timely manner but at any given time you can find several in my bag. When I do decide to remove them, I feel the guilt or the pleasure all over again…I’m eating too much, I’m buying things I don’t need, and spending way to much at the grocery store. It would be fun sometime to document receipts…you would not need a diary, memories would flood back. Monday, Bonifay Country Club (mmm the fish and chips were good), Barnes&Noble (A Movable Feast, Hemingway), Rialto Theatre (JEdgar, loved it), Gas ($52. to fill my car, ouch, thank goodness for golf carts)and so on. The Villages has to take some responsibility for the many receipts I collect, and I’m not complaining.  So many places to collect them;  great  restaurants, many, many stores, movie theatres, all within a 5 to 15 min. ride. I am always amazed at how much I can  do in a given week, and how much I have forgotten I did in a given week. If you ever say to yourself, what did I do last Monday, just look at your receipts. They tell the tale. Receipts will never deceive you, only when you want to return something and they are no where to be found, even in a small bag.

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