The Villages

You Meet The Nicest…

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 09•13

CCF06082013_00000 …animals and people too, in The Villages.  The other evening I happened to be attending a Lifelong Learning Class and found myself sitting next to a young, very impressive entrepreneur. We shared our stories, you know, which village we live in, how long we have been here, and then always the most interesting part of the conversation is what brought us here.  Her background was education and I highly respected her credentials and her achievements, but wait a minute did she have a shirt on that said Jill Will?  With the level of curiosity I have, I had to ask her what will Jill do?  She proceeded to tell me…CCF06082013_00003…I loved her story.  She decided to leave Chicago for the same reason I left New Jersey, the weather.  She decided this is where she wanted to be after visiting her parents.  How lucky are they.  I don’t consider myself a jealous person except for one exception and that is I’m green with envy of those Villagers that have a child, or children living nearby, in fact even  Atlanta, Charlotte and Charleston are considered nearby to me.  Anyway, upon moving south Jill decided to do something she really has a passion for, and for that I admire her.  I think many of us are following our passion now and we think we should have done this sooner, but what a courageous young lady to do it long before retirement age.  She brings her teaching spirit and talent to her business,  as she offers obedience and behavoiral training as well as pet care.  That is what impressed me so.  I wish her good luck and good fortune, and I think our pets would thank her too if they could. CCF06082013_00001Meetings are for meeting, and this one was special.

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