The Villages

This is before…

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 12•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…the water aerobics class begins.  Within 15 or 20 minutes, had I been able to take a picture, the pool would have been full of exercisers and their paraphernalia which ranges from shoes to noodles to weights to waist flotations and to arm flotations.  I don’t want to forget to mention, and thank, the instructors, who so selflessly volunteer their time to keep us all fit, they are the best.   I started doing deep water aerobics when I first came to The Villages in 2004 and it was the first place I met friends, which I kept and also consider my best friends today.  Interesting that we were able to have classes all winter and it was never too cold, in fact I don’t remember ever missing a class at that time because of the temperature.  However over the years it has gotten chillier and chillier and normally classes are called off when it dips under 50 degrees, as many mornings have.   I never thought I would be a wimp when it came to going in the water, but this past winter I hate to admit it but I stopped going. I blamed the weather, I also blamed my blog writing and even blamed Sean for being home due to the closing of the Tierra Del Sol golf course for six months.  Unfortunately it really boiled down to I was lazy.  I got in a very comfortable rut and convinced myself that I was retired and I could do anything I wanted to do, until I went to the Doctors for my routine check-up.  He looked at my numbers and my chart and said you stopped exercising.  The look on my face gave me away and I sheepishly had to agree with him.  So I started back and I have to say my favorite is deep water, but there are many, many classes everyday at all the sports pools. Most are in the morning and you can find them all listed in Thursday’s Recreation News under schedule of pool activities.  When I entered the pool the first time after so long, I was furious with myself as I had forgotten how much I loved it.  I highly recommend this form of exercise to anyone who likes the water.  If you’ve thought you might like to try it, just jump in once and I guarantee you you’ll come back for more.

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