The Villages

If Hats Could Only…

Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 14•13

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA…talk.  Well, actually I think hats say a lot, maybe not out loud, but many tell a story, send a message, open up conversations, and even make a person popular or not so popular. Hats come in all sizes and colors, some with brims and some brimless. There’s the top hat, the fedora, the cowboy hat, the beret, the bowler, also known as derby, the fez and the baseball cap.  Woman were seen to be undressed if they went out without a hat or bonnet, and when I was growing up a female could not enter some churches without something on their head, even if you had to use your handkerchief.  Gone are the enormous bonnets adorned with ribbons, feathers, flowers and tulle, only to be brought out at Southern weddings and horse races.  Straw fedoras with team color bands are becoming popular and seen at sporting events around the world.  Now, take the baseball cap.  It is the only hat style that is an American creation, it is a simple functional style and is as American as apple pie.   It is an icon which came into its’ own during the Babe Ruth era.  Baseball has the distinction of being the only American sport where a hat is an official part of a uniform and where its’ fans can wear an exact replica of the hat worn by their heroes on the field.  When I look around The Villages I see many hats with many stories.  I think the women do a remarkable job of matching their bath suits, their golf outfits, or their outfits in general to their hats. I used to be a lover of hats but my tastes have changed, however I have one hat I like but when I wear it I get some negative feedback, especially from Sean.  I asked him to take my picture in it this morning and he refused while muttering I hate that hat.  It is one of the hats pictured here.   All of us come from different areas of the country and our hats are worn like walking billboards telling people where we came from, or what college we went to, what team we support, what courses OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAwe have played and even what charity we support.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA  Some are adorned with priceless autographs,OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA however these are rarely worn, but displayed prominently somewhere where others can view them.  I love the sparkly sequined  hats, I think those wearing them are happy, and that makes me happy. Some dispense with the cap part of the hat and wear just the brim, or visor, portion. They also send messages.  In The Villages we also have the working hat…anyone who plays golf is familiar with this one   OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA   it’s very official looking and is.  However I do have one concern and it is pretty big.  There is the saying never throw your old clothes out as the style will come back, and I know we have seen that many times.  It is said that the first hat was an animal skin which was put on top of the head for protection from the elements.  It was realized that covering your head was an advantage, and not only was it considered the first hat, but also the first article of clothing.  If you notice we are still wearing hats but our clothing is getting skimpier and skimpier and I just don’t want to even think about it.  Imagine all those people running around with just hats.  I can’t and that is what concerns me.

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